When reporting salary income on Quicko, you can upload Form 16, as it contains all the information needed to declare the salary income. It shows the salary income breakdown as well as the TDS deducted by the employer. 

 Keep in mind while uploading Form 16 that:

  • Form 16 is in a readable PDF format and not an image.
  • The PAN in Form 16 and your profile should match.
  • The Assessment Year mentioned in your Form 16 should match the income to get taxed correctly in the financial year.
  • Form 16 file should not exceed 6 MB.
  • Both Parts of Form 16 i.e. Part A and Part B should be generated from TRACES. From FY 2018-19 onwards Form 16 will be issued in a standardized format prescribed by the government. 
  • If your Form 16 is in the older format, here's how you can add the salary details manually.