We have recently introduced a new feature to manage your family members/clients.  To view subscriptions for you and your clients, follow these steps:

If you purchased a plan for yourself:

  • View your plan details:
    1. Navigate to the Menu
    2. Click View Profile
    3. Go to the Billing tab to view details of the plan associated with your account (identified by email address)

If you purchased a plan for a family member/client:

  • Switch to a family member/client account:
    1. Navigate to the Menu, and choose Manage Clients.
    2. Hover over the family member/client, click on Manage Taxes
    3. From the Family Member/Client drop-down, click View Profile
    4. Go to the Billing tab to view details of the plan associated with your family member/client's account

Note: As part of our recent updates, you have been automatically upgraded to the Elite plan from your existing Pro plan.