E-verification of ITR is to be done within 30 days of filing an ITR. Missing this deadline can make your ITR invalid. However, if you missed e-verifying due to a genuine reason, the ITD allows you to submit a request for condonation to complete the e-verification. Keep in mind that if more than 30 days have passed, the verification date will be considered as the filing date.
How to Submit a Condonation Request
- Login to the income tax website and on the dashboard select Services > Condonation Request
- On the Condonation Request page, choose ‘Delay in submission of ITR-V’ and click Continue
- Select the specific ITR form for which you’re requesting a condonation
- Clearly explain the reason for the delay in e-verification
- Review your request, then submit it. You will receive a confirmation message along with a transaction ID for reference
Optionally, you can upload documents to support your case for the delay.
If you still have any further queries, you can raise a ticket to get in touch with us.