Royalty income is earned when someone pays to use something you own, like intellectual property or patents. Authors and patent holders can claim deductions on this income under specific sections of the Income Tax Act.

Section 80QQB allows authors of books (excluding textbooks) to claim a deduction on their royalty income.

Section 80RRB offers a deduction on royalty from patents.

Here’s how you can claim deductions for royalty income under these sections. 

Steps to Claim Deduction for Royalty Income

  1. Navigate to File > DeductionsNavigate to File > Deductions

  2. Select Section 80QQB or 80RRB cardSelect Section 80QQB or 80RRB card

  3. The deduction will be auto-calculated based on the income entered under Other Incomes

If you still have any further queries, you can raise a ticket to get in touch with us.