When you import your trades from apps, you might see errors or warnings on some of them. Here's how you can fix them.

Few reasons why you might see validations under your imported settlements

  • Description: Missing symbol/ scheme name/ contract name.
  • Buy/ Sell dates: Missing buy or sell dates, sell date is before buy date, sell or buy date is a future date.
  • Buy/ Sell prices: Missing prices, 0 or negative amounts.
  • Quantity: Missing or 0 quantity.
  • Expenses: Negative expense amounts.
  • FMV: Missing FMV when grandfathering is applicable.
To learn more on FMV, click here.

Fixing Validations

  1. Navigate to settlements: Go to Investments> Manage Settlements
  2. Filter settlements with errors: You will see an error dialogue box if there are settlements with errors, click on review. You will see a filtered list of all settlements with errors and the reason below them.

    3. Fix errors: Click on the settlement and make the necessary changes and save.

The settlements which have errors wont be accounted for in the P&L and Tax P&L calculation. Make sure to fix all the errors before tracking P&L.


    4. Fix warnings: You may also encounter warnings instead of errors. These are suggestions for action but won’t             impact P&L calculations if left unchanged. If you wish to fix them, make the necessary changes and save. 

Still need help?

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