If you are a trader having Intraday / Futures & Options transactions, but your broker isn't listed with us? 

No worries, you can still add them manually. 

Steps to Add Intraday and F&O Transactions Manually:

  1. Navigate to File > Business Profession > Add Business
  2. Select Trading Securities Intraday and F&O > Add Manually
  3. Refer to your broker's Tax P&L report and fill in:
  4. Enter Futures & Options Details 
    • Gross Revenue: Enter the Total Sales value.
    • Cost of Securities Sold: Add the Purchases (Total Buy Value) and Direct Expenses
    • Turnover: Sum up the absolute value of each trade under Additional Details
  5. Enter Intraday Details
    • Gross RevenueEnter the Total Sales value.
    • Cost of Securities SoldAdd the Total Buy Value (Purchases) and Direct Expenses.
    • Turnover: Sum up the absolute value of each trade under Additional Details

Once the details are saved, the system will automatically calculate the P&L.

If you do not have Futures & Options or Intraday, enter 0 for Sales, Purchases, and Turnover.

Need help with filling business balance or adding securities capital gains manually? Here's the detailed guide: 

  • How to fill your business balance sheet
  • Add Securities Capital Gains Manually


Still need help? You can raise a ticket and get in touch with us.